Animals That Walk On Two Legs

Explore Top 16 Interesting Animals That Walk On Two Legs (With Pictures)

In the vast and diverse world of the animal kingdom, there exists a fascinating group of creatures that defy the norms of locomotion by striding gracefully on two legs. From the iconic image of a majestic ostrich sprinting across the savannah to the comical waddle of a penguin on ice, these animals captivate us with their unique ability to walk upright. 

While humans often take bipedalism for granted, observing other species master this skill offers a glimpse into the remarkable adaptations and evolutionary pathways that have shaped their existence. Join us on an exploration of these extraordinary beings as we uncover the secrets behind their bipedal journeys and marvel at the wonders of nature’s diversity in Animals That Walk On Two Legs.

Here is the list of animals that walk on two legs:

Number Of Animals Animals That Walk On Two Legs
#3Kangaroo Rats
#13Basilisk lizard


Scientific Name: Spheniscidae

Class: Aves

Penguins are renowned for their distinctive waddle as they traverse icy terrains, showcasing impressive balance and agility on two legs. Despite their comical appearance, penguins are remarkably efficient walkers and can reach speeds of up to 4 miles per hour. This bipedal movement is crucial for their survival in the harsh Antarctic environment, allowing them to navigate rocky shores and steep cliffs with ease. Walking upright conserves energy for penguins, as it reduces drag from their waterproof feathers and minimizes heat loss in freezing temperatures.

animals with 2 legs

Observing penguins walk on two legs also offers insights into their social dynamics and mating rituals. By standing tall and moving gracefully, male penguins often use this display to attract potential mates during courtship rituals. Walking upright allows penguins to engage in bonding behaviors such as holding flippers or performing synchronized movements with their partners, enhancing communication and strengthening pair bonds. This unique ability of penguins to walk on two legs not only serves practical purposes but also plays a significant role in shaping their complex social interactions within the colony.

Fact: Penguins are exceptional swimmers; they can dive to depths over 1,800 feet and hold their breath for nearly 20 minutes while hunting for fish.


Scientific Name: Macropus

Class: Mammalia

Kangaroos are fascinating creatures known for their incredible ability to hop around on two legs. These marsupials from Australia have adapted to this unique form of movement, using their powerful hind legs to cover large distances with impressive speed and agility. Unlike other animals that walk on two legs like humans, kangaroos have a distinct hopping gait that is both efficient and energy-saving.

One interesting fact about kangaroos is that they are the only large animal to use hopping as their primary form of locomotion. This distinctive mode of movement allows them to travel long distances without expending too much energy, making them well-suited for the vast Australian outback. Kangaroos use their strong tails for balance while hopping, further highlighting their remarkable adaptation to bipedal locomotion in the wild.

Fact: Kangaroos possess powerful hind legs that allow them to leap distances up to 30 feet in a single bound.

Kangaroo Rats

Scientific Name: Dipodomys

Class: Mammalia

The Kangaroo Rat, a fascinating creature native to North America, stands out for their unique ability to walk and hop on two legs. These small rodents have adapted to their arid desert environments by evolving long hind legs and powerful tails that help them move swiftly across the sandy terrain. Their distinctive bipedal locomotion allows them to navigate obstacles with agility and speed, making them a formidable predator in their ecosystem.

2 legged animals

Despite their diminutive size, Kangaroo Rats exhibit remarkable strength and endurance when it comes to leaping great distances on two legs. Their impressive vertical jumps enable them to evade predators such as snakes and owls, showcasing the incredible power of adaptation in the natural world. With their keen senses and acrobatic abilities, these agile rodents are a testament to the diverse ways in which animals have evolved to thrive in challenging environments.

Also read: Explore Animals That Are Humble.


Scientific Name: Phoenicopteridae

Class: Aves

Flamingos are known for their striking pink plumage and elegant, long necks. These unique birds are expert walkers, often balancing on their two long legs with grace and agility. Their distinctive appearance and behavior have captured the fascination of many researchers, who study how they use their specialized anatomy to navigate various terrains.

One fascinating aspect of flamingos is how they use their two legs to help regulate body temperature. By standing on one leg and tucking the other into their feathers, flamingos reduce heat loss and conserve energy, a clever adaptation to their warm environments. This unusual posture also serves a social function, as it helps flamingos form large clusters while resting or sleeping.

The ability of flamingos to walk adeptly on two legs allows them to move through shallow waters with ease, searching for food like algae and small crustaceans. While in motion, these birds exhibit a unique synchronized movement that is not only efficient but also visually mesmerizing, an impressive display of coordination and adaptability in the animal kingdom.


Scientific Name: Struthio camelus

Class: Aves

Ostriches, the largest and fastest birds in the world, are known for their incredible ability to run at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. What’s truly fascinating about these flightless birds is their unique adaptation to walk and run on two powerful legs. Unlike most other birds that use their wings for flying, ostriches have evolved strong legs that help them navigate various terrains with ease.

animal with 2 legs

These magnificent creatures also possess remarkable agility and balance while walking on two legs, showcasing a level of grace that is unexpected from such large animals. Ostriches are not only impressive in their physical abilities but also exhibit intelligent behavior when it comes to survival instincts. Their ability to swiftly switch directions while running on two legs demonstrates a keen sense of awareness and adaptability in the wild. 

Fact: Ostriches, as flightless birds, exhibit astonishing running capabilities; they can sprint up to 45 miles per hour and maintain speeds of around 30 miles per hour over long distances. Their long legs are not only fast but also serve as a formidable defense mechanism when practicing powerful kicks against predators.


Scientific Name: Homo sapiens

Class: Mammalia

Humans are unique among animals in their ability to walk exclusively on two legs, a characteristic known as bipedalism. This upright posture sets humans apart from other mammals and has allowed for the development of complex tools and technologies. Bipedalism has also had a significant impact on human evolution, leading to changes in our anatomy such as the shape of our spine and the structure of our feet.

One theory posits that bipedalism evolved in early hominins as a way to free up their hands for carrying objects and tools, contributing to the development of advanced cognitive abilities. Despite these advantages, walking on two legs also comes with its own challenges, such as increased stress on the lower back and hips. Overall, the ability to walk upright has been crucial in shaping human history and allowing us to adapt to a wide range of environments around the world.


Scientific Name: Hylobatidae 

Class: Mammalia

Gibbons are fascinating creatures that are known for their unique ability to walk on two legs. These agile primates use a form of bipedalism as they swing from tree to tree in the dense forests of Southeast Asia. Unlike other apes, gibbons exhibit a natural flair for walking upright with effortless grace and precision.

what is an animal that uses two legs for walking

Their bipedal locomotion allows gibbons to cover long distances quickly while navigating the complex canopy of the rainforest. This efficient mode of movement also enables them to access food sources that may be out of reach for other animals. In addition to their impressive walking skills, gibbons are known for their distinctive vocalizations, which serve as a means of communication within their social groups.

Fact: Gibbons, often referred to as the lesser apes, are known for their extraordinary brachiation skills—the ability to swing from branch to branch using only their arms which makes them some of the fastest movers among tree-dwelling animals. They are also remarkably vocal creatures with singing capabilities that serve both social bonding purposes and territorial signaling.

Readmore: Explore Animals That Are Annoying.


Class: Mammalia

Gorillas, with their powerful bodies and remarkable intelligence, are one of the few animals that can effortlessly walk on two legs. This ability sets them apart from other primates and showcases their unique evolutionary trait. When gorillas stand upright, they display a sense of dominance and confidence that is truly awe-inspiring to witness.

Despite primarily using all fours for movement, gorillas occasionally stand tall to reach for food or intimidate rivals. This bipedal behavior highlights their adaptability in diverse environments and reflects their complex social dynamics. Observing these majestic creatures stroll on two legs evokes a sense of connection between humans and our distant primate relatives—a reminder of the shared ancestry that unites us all in the tapestry of life.


Scientific Name: Pan troglodytes

Class: Mammalia

Chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, are fascinating creatures known for their ability to walk on two legs. This unique trait sets them apart from other primates and showcases their remarkable adaptability. Observing chimpanzees in the wild as they effortlessly move bipedally through the forest canopy is a testament to their evolutionary journey.

animals that walk on two legs are called

Interestingly, studies have shown that while chimpanzees are capable of walking upright, they still prefer to use all four limbs for mobility in most situations. This dual nature of their movement patterns highlights the complexity of their behavior and hints at a deeper understanding of their cognitive abilities.


Scientific Name: Ursidae

Class: Mammalia

Bears, known for their massive and powerful stature, are among the few animals that can skillfully walk on two legs. In fact, bears often stand upright to gain a better view of their surroundings or to appear larger in confrontations. This unique ability showcases their incredible balance and agility despite their heavy build.

When bears walk on two legs, it’s not just a mere display of physical prowess but also an indication of their intelligence. By standing tall, bears are able to communicate dominance and assertiveness in the animal kingdom. This bipedal behavior is not only fascinating to observe but also serves as a reminder of the diverse range of skills that these magnificent creatures possess.


Scientific Name: Dromaius novaehollandiae

Class: Aves

Emus are fascinating creatures known for their ability to walk and run on two powerful legs. These flightless birds are native to Australia and can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour, making them incredibly agile runners. Emus have a unique gait that allows them to cover long distances efficiently, using their wings for balance.

two legged animals

One intriguing aspect of emus is their dual-purpose legs, which allow them to both walk and kick with impressive force. They use their sharp claws as a defense mechanism against predators, showcasing the versatility of their two-legged locomotion.

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Scientific Name: Manis

Class: Mammalia

Known as the only mammals with scales, pangolins are fascinating creatures that walk on two legs when on land. Their unique ability to stand upright is a result of their front limbs being adapted for burrowing and climbing trees. Pangolins use their hind legs for walking and searching for food, showcasing incredible balance and agility in their movements.

Despite their cute appearance, pangolins face numerous threats in the wild due to illegal trafficking for their meat and scales. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these vulnerable animals from extinction. Understanding the biomechanics of how pangolins walk on two legs can offer valuable insights into their behavior and help create better conservation strategies for these enigmatic creatures.

Fact: Pangolins often dubbed the world’s most trafficked mammal, pangolins are fascinating because their protective scales are made of keratin, the same substance as human nails. They can curl into a tight ball when threatened, showcasing an extraordinary defense mechanism.

Basilisk lizard

Scientific Name: Basiliscus basiliscus

Class: Reptilia

The Basilisk lizard, has remarkable ability to run on water, is a fascinating creature that defies conventional norms of animal locomotion. While most lizards scurry on four legs, the Basilisk uses its hind legs in a unique manner that allows it to achieve impressive speeds and glide effortlessly across bodies of water. This adaptation showcases the evolutionary ingenuity of nature and highlights how animals can adapt to their environment in unexpected ways.

name animals that walk on two legs

One interesting fact about the Basilisk lizard is its ability to flee predators by running at high speeds over water surfaces. By utilizing its two hind legs with quick, jerky movements, this agile reptile can stay afloat for several meters before sinking beneath the surface. This behavior not only helps it escape danger but also demonstrates the intricate balance between instinctual survival tactics and physical capabilities in the animal kingdom.

In addition to its unique locomotion skills, the Basilisk lizard possesses other remarkable characteristics such as its vibrant coloration and distinctive crest along its back. These features not only enhance its overall appearance but also serve various functions in terms of camouflage, communication, and thermoregulation.

Fact: Basilisk Lizard commonly referred to as the Jesus Christ lizard, the basilisk is capable of running across water due to its specially adapted toes and legs. This impressive skill has become a sought-after spectacle, allowing it to evade predators swiftly.

Also read: Explore Animals With No Legs.


Scientific Name: Suricata suricatta

Class: Mammalia

The meerkat, a small mammal native to the deserts of southern Africa, is renowned for its unique ability to walk on two legs. This bipedal behavior allows them to stand tall and survey their surroundings for potential threats or sources of food. Meerkats’ hind legs are strong and flexible, enabling them to move quickly and efficiently while on two feet.

In addition to their impressive bipedal locomotion, meerkats also exhibit complex social behaviors within their tight-knit groups called mobs or gangs. These social structures are crucial for their survival in the harsh desert environment, as they work together to hunt for insects, reptiles, and small mammals. Meerkats communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, demonstrating a high level of intelligence and cooperation among these fascinating creatures.


Scientific Name: Procyon lotor

Class: Mammalia

Raccoons are fascinating creatures known for their ability to walk on two legs, a skill that sets them apart from many other animals. This bipedal movement allows raccoons to navigate various terrain with ease and even use their front paws for tasks such as opening containers or manipulating objects. It showcases their adaptability and resourcefulness in urban environments where they often encounter human structures and obstacles. The sight of a raccoon standing upright on its hind legs can be both charming and slightly unsettling, highlighting the unique blend of curiosity and intelligence these animals possess.

animals that walk on two legs only

While most commonly seen moving quadrupedally, raccoons exhibit bipedal behavior particularly when foraging or investigating their surroundings. This upright stance offers them a wider field of vision, enabling them to assess potential threats or food sources from a different perspective. This versatile trait not only aids their survival in diverse environments but also emphasizes the complex cognitive abilities that underlie their physical movements. 


Scientific Name: Casuarius

Class: Aves

The cassowary is a fascinating and intimidating bird known for its ability to walk on two legs with speed and agility. These large flightless birds are native to the tropical forests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia, where they navigate dense vegetation with remarkable balance. Despite their size, cassowaries can reach impressive speeds of up to 31 miles per hour while moving gracefully on their two sturdy legs.

One unique feature of the cassowary is its powerful kick, which has the potential to inflict severe injuries to predators or perceived threats. This behavior showcases their strength and dominance in their natural habitat. The distinct helmet-like casque on top of their heads serves a dual purpose as both a protective armor during fights and a resonating chamber for their deep booming calls that echo through the forest.

Readmore: Explore Strongest Birds In The World.

Animals that walk on two legs display a fascinating adaptation that sets them apart from their four-legged counterparts. From birds to primates, the ability to walk upright has provided these creatures with unique advantages in their environments. This mode of locomotion requires a complex coordination of muscles and balance, showcasing the remarkable evolution of these species over time. 

By studying and understanding the biomechanics of two-legged walking in animals, researchers can gain valuable insights into the evolutionary processes shaping the diversity of life on Earth. Let us continue to marvel at and protect these incredible creatures that demonstrate the beauty and complexity of nature.

Can Bears Walk On Two Legs?

Yes, bears are capable of walking on two legs. While they typically walk on all fours, bears have been observed standing and even walking on their hind legs for short periods of time. This behavior is often seen when bears are trying to get a better view of their surroundings or to reach food sources that are out of reach when they are on all fours.

Which Animal Is Fast On Two Legs?

The animal that is known to be fast on two legs is the ostrich. Ostriches are the largest and heaviest birds in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour when running on their powerful legs. Their long legs and strong muscles allow them to cover great distances quickly, making them the fastest two-legged animals on Earth.

What Are Animals That Walk On Two Legs Called?

Animals that walk on two legs are called bipeds. Bipedalism is a form of terrestrial locomotion where an organism moves by means of its two rear limbs or legs. This type of locomotion is common in birds, humans, and some primates like gibbons and kangaroos.

Ajmal Malik

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